
Utility class to write a Recurrence as a RRule and read it back. See RFC2445[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2445#section-] and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.3.10. Start dates and end dates are formatted to a local time string.

This class is thread-safe.


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The timezone used for formatting and parsing end dates (UNTIL attribute), unless the end date uses UTC time (time form #2, section 3.3.5).


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Format a recurrence to a string recurrence rule and return it. Note that a valid RRule should technically include the DTSTART attribute, but since this attribute is not part of the Recurrence class, it is omitted. This function will also generate the string RRULE:FREQ=NONE for recurrence with a period of Period.NONE, even though this isn't part of the standard.

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fun parse(rrule: String): Recurrence

Parse a RFC 5545 string recurrence rule and return a recurrence. Note that this method is designed to parse only the output of format.